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Mushrooms of the Northeast: Fungal Ecology & ID September 15th-17th, 2023
Hawk Circle- Cherry Valley, NY    

Join Dave Muska as he guides you through the world of fungi and into diverse forest landscape of central New York at Hawk Circle Retreat Center.

During this weekend long immersion you will learn about the ecology of fungi, how to successfully identify mushrooms, and how to properly and safely incorporate wild mushrooms into your life as food and medicine. Participants will complete the weekend course with the skills, and tools to continue their journey into the world of fungi.

This course relies upon a variety of educational techniques including  hands-on training to create an enjoyable and successful learning environment.  Whether a beginner or seasoned myco-phile, learning as a community is the most effective way to gain new skills no matter your skill level. 


As this​ is an all-inclusive weekend, you are able to fully enjoy the learning process as we explore the beautiful land, sleep comfortably in Hawk Circle's charming cabins, and join in healthy and homemade community meals.

August 8th, 2025- August 10th, 2023


Hawk Circle~  Cherry Valley, NY

$780 - All Inclusive Weekend Course w/Lodging (Accommodations)

$525- Meals w/out Lodging

Bird Language: Understanding & Interpreting Bird Behavior

Our fields and forests have a ‘news service’ signaling to all who are aware.  Birds report everything that is happening, from the news of a passing predator to signaling the arrival of a 'quiet' human walking up the trail, still minutes away.   

Bird language is an effective, fun, and exciting tool for observing the relationships of the natural world.  

I have on many occasions been led on adventures to find great horned owls, coyote, and much more due to my understanding of bird language and interpretaion.      


Join us in this interactive workshop in which you will be given the tools to develop this amazing awareness and skill.  Your experience outdoors will never be the same. 


This class does not require any prior knowledge of bird species or their calls and is open to all levels of interest and skill.

Photo: Marcy Herrick

Art of Friction Fire

In this class you will learn time-tested techniques to starting fire with friction. Yes, you can do that! We will cover the local species of plants that provide the greatest success along with the fundamental components of friction kits, how they work and why they sometimes don't.


You will leave this class with a new appreciation for the gift of fire along with the tools and knowledge to create fire on your own. Subjects covered will include tinder bundle collection and construction, strap drill (2 person), bow drill (1 person) and hand drill. All participants will build their own friction kits to take home.

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